Monday, 28 February 2011

Swatched: Face Atelier Ultra Foundation

I ordered up 3 samples of Face Atelier's Ultra foundation from Coco Beau. Before we get onto the actual samples I had to share a pic of how they were cute!

Each sample will set you back £1.25 and for that you get a small pot like this...


I'm not sure how much product you actually get weight wise. Coco Beau advise it should be enough for a couple of applications. At the very least there's enough product for you to figure out your colour match and suss whether you like the texture.

The three shades I picked up were #2 Ivory, #3 Wheat, #4 Sand and here they are swatched and snapped (with flash I'm afraid)

Left to right: #2 #3 #4
Out of the 3 shades Wheat is my best match so I'm going to give that a full-face try out soon. In the meantime I'd definitely recommend Coco Beau if you fancy sampling Face Atelier - the only slight downside is postage which is fixed at £3.95 (in other words a bloody lot for 3 little pots!) This does get you recorded delivery though so not a total swindle! :)

Until next time,


  1. Great swatches! I feel like I'm in between #2 and #3 LOL.

  2. @musicalhouses I have to mix two shades of my current foundation (bourjois healthy mix) bit of a pain but worth it for the perfect colour match :)
